Unflinching Authenticity
I turned 29 about a week ago to very little fanfare. That doesn't mean I haven't been busy.
Year In Forecast - January 2018
On the evening of January 1st, I pulled out 12 cards from my Initiatory Golden Dawn deck to forecast the upcoming year. But instead of posting it here, I wrote them down in my planner to kinda meditate on as the months goes by. The card for January's forecast [theme?] was the 9 of Cups - The Lord of Material Happiness.
Which I found confusing at first. DarkLake Tarot Does Kwanzaa [pt 4/7]
Habari gani?
Did you miss Part 1? Part 2? Or Part 3? We're almost at the end of 2017 [holy shit] but only at the halfway point of Kwanzaa! Today's Principle is Ujamaa ['Cooperative Economics'], where we are asked "To build and maintain our own stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together.” This particular Principle might be amongst the most important for us as members of the African Diaspora to consider- especially in today's sociopolitical climate. But let's deal with the spread first! DarkLakeTarot Does Kwanzaa! [pt 1/7]
Happy Holidays everyone! I trust that you all had a wonderful time celebrating whatever holiday you hold dear with your loved ones.
Today is Boxing Day and thus, the first day of Kwanzaa! As part of my personal journey into exploring my own African heritage, I found it important over the last few years to start studying Kwanzaa for myself. created in 1966 by Dr Maulana Karenga, it's more of a cultural festival as opposed to a religious or spiritual one- so literally the only prerequisite to celebrating is having some of that sweet Melanin in your blood~ but everyone should learn about Kwanzaa anyway, so that's what these posts will be about! Unbridled Enthusiasm
Today I restarted taking note of my Tarot Daily Draw, and got both the Queen and Page of Wands. Quite fitting considering some recent developments.
Radio Silence
I have a bad habit that I'm sure I have confessed here. I go silent when things pile up, things that distract me from the plans I've made for myself.
Why I Read Tarot
... you know what?
I had this long post planned to publish last month about why I enjoy tarot, what it brings to my life as a person and why naysayers can bite me, but between being busy and a lack of motivation, I just... couldn't be bothered. There's that malaise sinking in again. And you know, starting a business as lofty as this [and let's be real, declaring to the Universe that you will make a living off of your readings is still a lofty goal to have] has been very daunting, and discouraging at times too. I don't have the same drive to put myself out there in the same way as other people seem to do [surprising I'm sure to those who know me personally], and the elements of 'The Hustle' seem both inorganic and... inauthentic. To me and my way of going about things, anyway. It was enough to me to question, at least once or twice- "why am I really doing this?" I got my answer about a week ago. Solar Return
Consider The Crab
because sometimes the universe is as subtle as a brick to the face, or a crustacean in your dinner.
Happy New Year everyone! [and #Fuck2016 amirite?]
We have so much to talk about, so let's not waste any time. Ever Onward
With the year almost over, it's the perfect time to do some soul-searching and reflection, just in time for New Years Resolutions!
So after a year that has seen a dramatic spike and freefall of my own magical awakening, the long-standing stress of being in a Long Distance Marriage, a successful move back to Canada and quite literally the most important decisions in my adult life creeping their way towards me... what awaits above for me in 2017, I wonder? Obviously I have no idea- I'm no psychic. But this is what I'm doing to prepare for whatever comes: A Tarot Check-In
Every time a New Moon approaches I treat it as a mini-New Year. A new Lunar Month presents a new cycle of manifestation and release, a new chance to make changes in our own paths. This is also where I tend to utilize Tarot and Astrology the most in my daily life, especially if I'm running low on energies and can't do anything more ornate.
Every night before the New Moon, after reading other bloggers' takes on the astrological energies infused in the cosmic occasion, I lay out my cleansed tarot deck, and deal out my cards to match the spread I use. Those cards stay unflipped overnight, and then I turn them over the following morning to take notes. I leave those cards exposed until the Full Moon night, so it's like a little daily reminder of the lessons I have to learn. Rinse-repeat for the Full Moon, until the next New Moon night. You get the gist *wink*. Letting The Woo Out
Consider this the longer version of my 'About' page lol. But really, I should've seen my witchiness coming. When the yearly Scholastic Books order forms were passed out in my elementary school, the first book I bought with my own money was this beginner's guide to understanding horoscpoes. I carried that book EVERYWHERE to the point that the cover practically disintergrated, and used it to give readings to my classmates about whether or not their crushes would be favoured by the stars. During my high-school years, I had bought a book that illustrated the pros and cons of the major world religions, worldviews, cults, etc. While it was definitely developed with a 'this is why Christianity is good!' slant [something that i'm surprised i didn't pick up until a few months ago] and definitely had its share of misinformation, all it did do was point out the obvious truth- I was many things, but Christian wasn't one of them! Nonetheless, I maintained the charade for as long as I could stand it, out of respect for my family. I remain grateful that at the very least I was raised in a household that actively encouraged my thirst for knowledge- to be inquisitive and comfortable in questioning everything in front of me, and to stick to my convictions. When I moved to Canada, my interests in tarot grew around the same time as my general interests in magic resurfaced- and since I was living in my own apartment and thus living my own life, I was free to dive into my interests without the creeping Shame and Fear I would've been dealing with while still living at home. My friends didn't mind my exploration or my bringing it up in conversations and delighted in dipping their own toes and getting readings, exploring their natal charts... it was blissful. So clearly, this 'self-revelation' was less of a 'OMG!', more of a 'well what took you so long?'. So now that I find myself back in familial circumstances, I'm growing more and more confident in admitting to my woo-like tendencies whenever prompted- I still do it within reason, as I am still balancing my beliefs with those of others around me- but yea. I'm letting my woo out. I wear my moon pendant that I've glamoured daily, I read my daily cards on my phone. I whisper wishes to the moon whenever I see Her. I know now, finally, who I am- and more importantly, who I am capable of being. The whispers and assumptions of those who don't know me, or don't care to know me anymore... just do not matter. I'm finally living that life that those self-help articles always talk about- living your True Life, without reservations. It's just as applicable for those whose cultural society forces to hide their woo, as it is for those who feel stuck in a dead-end job because society demands your misery, or hiding your true expression of your sexuality or gender because the world mandates that you fit in the roles they deem suitable for you. Well, fuck that noise. I am a Woman, Wife and Witch. Come at me, bro. And if you have ever been like me- if you read your horoscopes daily, or note with appreciation a person wearing a crystal for more than just aesthetic, or holding to a generational superstition just like it's Gospel, or if you are just so tired of pretending to be 'normal' when every cell in your body is crying out to be different, spectacular and really, truly magical? Then I invite you to let your woo out too. It doesn't even have to be with you shouting it from the rooftops. It can be as simple as a journal, or an app on your phone. Wearing colors and scents that you feel bring you power and strength. Whatever brings out that truly powerful side of you. Gain your knowledge and your insight from whatever you are drawn to. Cultivate that thirst for knowledge and discernment. Don't be afraid of uncovering your own witchy side- you may find like, me, she's been waiting for you to come around! However you do it, let it be done unabashedly. With full love and appreciation. Because there's no other way to live a truly magical life. |
Oh Hey!LINDSAY - Black Woman, Wife, Witch and Resident Blogger of DarkLake Tarot~ Archives
February 2018
What I'm Listening To |